Corona virus

This Coronavirus is not just a medical pandemic.  It is far more than this.  It is a sign, a message, a warning, a punishment for what we humans have done wrong to the planet we were given as a gift.  It is An Act of God.  Comply or die.  Change and live.

The reason it started at Wuhan is because China’s bad action to the environment is to kill and to eat all the wildlife of the world.  God was saying “Stop!  Cease!  Never do this again!”  If they do not stop and cease for ever this behaviour, then another plague will come.  Remember the 7 Plagues of Egypt to free Moses.

The reason that the BAME – Black and Middle Eastern population in the UK are being targeted is one of over-population, they are to BLAME for the destruction of habitats on the continent as a result of their sheer numbers as housing is built over previous animals and plants homes, fauna and flora are being killed off for them, deserts of concrete and brick replacing paradise.  1/5th  of the World’s population is Indian but look at its landmass, it is not the area of 1/5th of the world.

Inheritance – work practices – place of women going down – overconfidence of Asians, sub-continental Asians lording it over us all – maybe the Indian Chancellor wants to crash the UK to allow India to submit and win a takeover bid to take over the running of it – his business plan

Stay Home Save Lives – return to your origins – stop having so many children – it isn’t poor or cruel leadership, however much you moan,  that did this to you, you fucked up your own lives, literally, by over-reproduction.  Mother Earth can take no more and is taking away the excess.  Europe, after the population growth of the Industrial Age, has chosen (like the 1 child policy on China) to correct this and create a balanced paradise, which you are wrecking.  On Tomorrow’s World programmes in the 1980s we were related the dream of having more time due to technology, but because of numbers of people wanting work productivity has gone down, societal development is now actually backwards…

Now let us look at the signs and signals this virus is trying to say to us.

I have many years experience in the Crop Circle Community.  Crop Circles are signs in the fields, with messages, some simple, some need interpretation, like Joseph interpreting the Dreams of The Pharoah.  They are created by speedy balls of light (bols)  The virus is a much smaller structure.  The principle is the same.  Last year France was the epicentre with a huge X across the country, with x marking the spot, like the location of treasure on a pirate map, on Paris.  This was a Very Big Sign.  That of the Planet stating it wanted The Paris Agreement to be enacted urgently.  It was a Massive X Kiss of Love.  The Whole World should have acted immediately.  They did not.  And now this.

Look at the above map.  It shows greater prevalence of infections within a certain temperature variation.  The Green 10 is where it is at its peak.  The large numbers in this zone is not due to the fault of its governments at all, or the lack in zones without of this region with less infections.  This is a message from the planet about Global Warming.  Actually these temperatures are ideal for life and it’s reproduction.  The overheated areas may feel good about themselves now, but their lack of care will come back to bite them.  The geo-politics created by this will make the Green areas more self-defensive to Aid Planetary Survival.

It is a respiratory condition.  Where in order for people to get through the worst of it they require Oxygen.  Not any gas, not any air, Ventilators were thought to be required at the outset, but were subsequently found to be not helpful, but Oxygen was.  Trees are being felled at an extinction rate worldwide, to create food crops for increasing numbers of humans, for their fuel needs et cetera.  This trajectory is like pointing a gun at ourselves.  This was about to cause a Mass Extinction of the Entire Planet, including ourselves, of a scale not seen in many millennia, similar to the asteroid extinction forming the Gulf of Mexico when the dinosaurs were felled.   So Stop this Or Die!

The lockdown is for us to experience to fully realise what we are doing to animals.  Dolphins are now seen in clear blue canals in Venice, Goats are having a whale of a time in Wales…enjoying this novelty of freedom for them.  They are locked up in zoos, so restrictive, even in Animal Parks they are zoned in a limited fashion, in Safari Parks and Reserves their movement is reserved, they used to have the whole, entire, planet to roam around, and now there’s us, taking the whole bloody lot and leaving them with less and less and nearly nothing now, the whole Animal Kingdom Screamed Out, No Enough, Back Off!  Their prayers were answered, animals can communicate telepathically and silently, they only vocalise for us thick humans to understand and to entertain our lesser selfish selves, they fought back with this tiny virus.


And NO THING too!

Children not affected – this is because of the School strike for climate – they R on the side of the planet and the planet is on the side of them

I have tried too.  I have been listening with increasing anger and determination to keep fighting on to Little People from The French Revolutionary musical :

They laugh at me, these fellas,
Just because I am small
They laugh at me because I’m not hundred feet tall!
I tell ’em there’s alot to learn down here on the ground
The world is big, but little people turn it around!

A worm can roll a stone
A bee can sting a bear
A fly can fly around Versailles
‘Cos flies don’t care
A sparrow in a hut
Can make a happy home
A flea can bite the bottom
Of the Pope in Rome

Goliath was a bruiser who was tall as the sky.
But David threw a right and gave him one in the eye.
I never read the Bible but I know that it’s true
It only goes to show what little people can do!

A worm can roll a stone
A bee can sting a bear
A fly can fly around Versailles
‘Cos flies don’t care
A sparrow in a hut
Can make a happy home
A flea can bite the bottom
Of the Pope in Rome

So listen here professor,
With your head in the cloud.
It’s often kind of useful
To get lost in the crowd.
So keep your universities
I don’t give a damn
For better or for worse it is
The way that I am!

Be careful where you go
‘Cos little people grow…

And little people know
When little people fight
We may look easy pickings but we got some bite!
So never kick a dog because he’s just a pup
You better run for cover when the pup grows up!

And we’ll fight like twenty armies
And we won’t give up

A worm can roll a stone
A bee can sting a bear
A fly can fly around Versailles
‘Cos flies don’t care
A sparrow in a hut
Can make a happy home
A flea can bite the bottom
Of the Pope in Rome


The trouble is that we are little women so as we are not big men no-one listens to us, they may let us vocalise our thoughts but they will not allow them to translate into action.  We may as well be speaking into a vacuum really.  But one pattern this virus has shown, and as it is an Act of God, this is the Divine Speaking, is that countries with female leaders have succeeded more than those with male ones.  No-one knows why because it is beyond our control, and has no link to actually actions, this is frustrating when you are leading the correct way.  It is equally frustrating for women like me and Greta not getting progress or action when we try so hard, think things through, and always are expected to learn from male masters and be the perpetual servile students.  This is God saying if you don’t give them a voice I WILL!

Transport system – the sky has been polluted and clouded over effectively by a semen soup.  These male chauvinists would rather women were slaves to oil and society was driven by vehicles that ejected this and rejected real freedoms.  Maybe us all having to cover all our bodies for safety is a complete clothing immersion experience of the entrapment of women.

Cleaning up the planet – air pollution – holidays by the elites who could have changed it but chose not to as they loved to be above and look down from on high over everyone else

You can see what I have tried to do over a lifetime at my websites:

Facebook Planetary People’s Parliament on – got hacked to be used as a porn ring by men – where I introduced the idea of Rainbow Recycling in the late 1990s – this is how it is now done – but I got no credit so couldn’t build on this good work and make the world a better place.  And even though they use this system they just use oil to transport the problem to elsewhere and now the oceans are polluted.  If they had been in continuous consultation with me I could have, still could give them ideas about what to do with every item coming in – non wastefully

Web tv – if you are watching any online videos in this lockdown, I inspired this.  The first web tv incarnation was to use your tv to view the internet, I said that the internet could be used as a force for good enabling tv from around the world to be viewed on your computer, this was before the Millennium.  Orionparty was live in 1997.

In a local election campaign in the 1st year or 2 of the century I proposed Police Bikes and Work Runs, the latter has not yet been done, it would help people getting to work with ease without the need of a car, based on the dolmus system in Turkey, Wiggly Bus routes were introduced in Wiltshire.  The bike idea went into what has come to be known as Boris Bikes.  Perhaps that is why they (the little buggers) attacked Boris, as I have never been given credit for this by him or his predecessor who ‘did investigations in other countries’ male chauvinism cannot give a woman credit where credit is due, or consult her.  We also see this to an even worse degree in The Vatican, and far, far worse elsewhere.

More recently I have tried again to come up with positive ideas on – United In Us and expressed negative experiences and more adult issues on United In Information.

One idea is this

This is something I have tried to promote to people who worry, and express their worry on television, people like David Attenborough.  I got no response.  It is as if this is a sales technique for more moaning documentaries, mental and destructive.  The Worthing of Wildlife idea is a way to pay locals who suffer losses of for example crops so that to have wildlife is a win win all round.

I have also, more recently, tried again, to gain a little funding and interest for an idea in my brain to put water into the deserts, it is a very simple idea, I haven’t this time announced what it is but will when I know I can get to do it, people appear to be so much more interested in themselves and their immediate self-gratifying-interest than the sheer survival of the planet.  I have had not one response to this:

The desert people whose liquid is oil have tried to prevent me from changing the Transport System to one that does not need oil.  I should have died on 911.  I had said that the World was a Financial Dictatorship. I did not want what happened to happen.  We had met an American friend of my Step-Father who worked at the Pentagon only days before, in a holiday home overlooking the Leaning Tower of Pisa, her room was next to the one that was hit, she lost friends and colleagues.  After rejecting this.  I should have been on a plane too but my bag, with the ticket and my passport was stolen at Las Ramblas by the Cap de Columb on the morning of the flight. A few months after this I was sprayed with a chemical in Spain on my way to France to shop with him, we were in an open soft top car the spray penetrated my hand but not my face, I think, as the windscreen was splattered, the food in France was excellent, the chemical warfare made me sick for a week, I found a way to get through it I’ve kept secret and will maintain that for my own safety, I was cordoned off by 2 flashing police cars after Midnight Mass at Christmas in Roses. I was followed by Police Cars every Christmas after Midnight Mass for many years after this.  The terrorists like significant dates.  An to think I could have offered them plentiful dates, figs and olive branches at any time.  What is wrong with these people that crave death and reject the fullness of life!?


The above link takes you to the following:

– – – Seekcar – Transport – Network – – –

Vision 20:50 – – Essay for The Economist competition.

The challenge title was “Going Faster but Where?”

It was won by someone writing about slowing the pace of life down I seem to remember.

This was all because I wanted to clean up transport.  I still have the idea in my mind, and now dream of creating it at  L’ Elysée with Emmanuel.  I can help him prove that he is right, and would love to do so.  It is so lovely and quiet, I want this temporary peace to remain, and the anger of cars to cease, Formula 1 to be none and a new form of movement to start.

One thing that has wound me up about the measures, is that after saving up, by not spending and working for it, £2000 for a joint environmental patent with others, already agreed, the Chancellor of the UK decides that it is perfectly reasonable to just give away £2500 per month of my hard-earned tax money to the above average earners (couldn’t they have saved for a rainy day) and all the sacrifices we’d (mostly the poor on low incomes) had made to get over the 2008 banker created 2008 recession, this is his contribution to it:

He has divided the country into to the non-essentials and the not-valued as many of the essential workers, including me, earn far less than that.  When trying to reason with people online, those getting it, having a holiday at my expense are as cruel as those in the 1920s and 30s which led to WWII and on a parallel in attitude of the aristocracy in late 1700s France.  They are big headed stating I lost and they won because of ‘life choices’  I have proposed that the government should get this back minus UC standard rate, week by week in the next 5 years via a tax code, so if they get the max for 6 months this is £15,000, so they would lose £3000 of their tax-free allowance per annum.  That would cut the fat ones down to size, otherwise the barriers will arise (Look Down)

I was going to sell some stuff to get the money including some sunglasses sent to me from China that were definitely fake – so illegal too so I could not do it – I had ordered some safety shoes.  Previously I have ordered mini Bibles which were incomplete copies of the Good News Bible distributed by the Bible Society based here in Swindon, Revelation was cut off in the middle.

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One Life Choice I made was to be the best whilst working at Amazon.  I was in the conversion process to become a permanent blue badge when 2 things happened.  I decided, having known the original logo of the company was of the Amazon Rain Forest River, as I was also online at the time, and that the Rain Forest was on Fire at the time – The World was on Fire, as Greta Thunberg correctly stated, I decided to e-mail Jeff Bezos directly saying I had ideas, which wouldn’t have cost him anything, so no losses to his company. And there was an accident I suffered from, even though I had repeatedly warned would happen but management failed to act.  Me being a woman may have had an impact, my Romanian employment agency staff were rough about it, saying I had to take responsibility for my own health and safety, which I repeatedly said that I had.  The full details of this are on @ Amazon e & x Amazon.

My eye was impacted, on leaning forward later in the day it popped back out a bit.  The impact of the ironing board leg pipe on my eye was the likeness of the symbol for Ra / Horus – the ironing board pipe where it hit my eye looked like a Corona of the Sun.  This happened at Yellow 20, I saw that as symbolic of 2020 Vision at the time.  This happened on 11/9/2019 .  I e-mailed my MP Robert Buckland for help, his reply was “I can only take up casework for South Swindon residents as a constituency Member of Parliament, and as such I am not able to be involved in legal matters.”  He was the Solicitor General at the time and now the Justice Secretary who has let out some prisoners free in these restricted times.  And Amazon have been given a Coronovirus Testing Contract – they do not pay tax.  Jeff Bezos has a vast fortune, hoarded away, one idea I was hoping to work with him on was the new transport idea I had had for ages, since before first launched.  The government post this event did restrict drones, so his wacky idea to deliver by drone was grounded, but so was this.  He instead launches space rockets, that I now understand look like a little bit of a partial self portrait. Only the French Government have the Courage, Grit and Integrity without Corruption to take them to task, with taxes and ensuring fairness in trade to only be allowed to deliver essential items others are permitted to sell, not increase their grip on the market excluding all others.

The Corona of The Sun

The Coronavirus is the Cure to get you to see The Light.

To combat the illness we have to keep 2 metres apart.  Social and Physical Distancing it’s called.  This is already an occurrence due to massive immigration for some.  I used to go to a happy International Church at Holy Rood, Swindon, but the influx of Goan Indians have made this into a Goan Nationalist Church, in fact now all but one of the Catholic Churches in Swindon are this, and that one is a Polish Nationalist Church.  All other Nationalities have no place of comfort here any more and are made to be emotionally distanced.  This is hard and soulless.  The Catholic Church is now encouraging the trafficking of Vietnamese Catholics into the country.  The Prime Minister when many were found dead in a lorry where they had no permission nor place to be here felt far more for them than his law-abiding countryfolk.

The same is the case for illegal immigrants crossing the Channel right now in lockdown.  It is perfectly understandable that France does not want them, they are only given a baguette a day and no housing, hence the tents.  British Authorities and well propertied – though not willing to share their properties with them – Subjects keep inducing their entry with gifts and freebies, why would they say no to all that, the Brits whose home areas become grittier as a result keep saying “We’ve had more than enough to bear, Stop!” but no-one hears their cries, or if they do from on high, dismiss them.

A Relationship of Distance is wanted by farmers in this country, also on their high horses, also as even though air travel was banned and people across the continent were in lockdown and not permitted to move beyond a very close locality of their homes they had the ability to persuade the Department for Agriculture that this was perfectly reasonable.  People voted for Brexit to stop this, and they said they were going to get Brexit done, they lied.  Farmers waste a lot of good food – in this current crisis they keep saying I’ve had to throw milk down the drain – no they did not have to do that, the lazy bastards, they should have had the humility to ask for help, many are old and get the subsidy for nothing.  The workers from abroad cut all the really green bits off the vegetables and then make them go off quicker by wrapping them in plastic.  There is a lot of food wastage everywhere, habitats lost to other creatures, laid waste by man, I proposed an idea after being inspired by my good dog who didn’t waste food like a bad human


Football has ceased, this is based on very rich professional structures who were not willing to give but wanted to get as this crisis caused stoppages.  The thing is with celebrity sports is that the lesser sorts have lost confidence in themselves, in their ability physically.  So this stopping with your only freedom is daily exercise and your only sanity is body movements at home, the populations are now getting fitter and feeling like they can too, very important for mental health, endorphins from exercise make you feel a healthy high. Obesity being a factor in getting this disease – very important to recognise what this is saying, and to do something about it.  It is also very important to leave some food and some land for the other creatures and plants on this planet.

Local confidence too, people travelling far too far overwhelming towns such as Swindon.  My area has been designated to have 10% HMOs, Homes of Multiple Occupation, i.e. slum creation, so we feel low, and as a result this has meant the Council has not had any money to preserve our Collective Heritage, including the Founding place of the NHS and where the first dissemination of information, a workers Collaboration, the First ever Public Library in the country.  Many sites are in a mess.  I have a list of what I would do with each with a potential commercial use for each of them.

Perhaps the old have been targeted, they are so sweet, is a loud and clear message, simply saying “Out with the Old, In with the New.”  Nothing personal, just Old Mother Earth is desperate to be heard and doesn’t want anyone to claim they are too deaf to hear this!!!

This will take a Herculean effort, like the UK’s Health Secretary said regarding defeating the Coronavirus, the day I bought an Apollo Elyse bike and cycled it up a hill.  It will take serious, calm, sombre determination to win over and dominate differently, in a way that is currently Foreign to us.  This is a Change of Era, Welcome that.  Smile too. Open this new door and breathe the newly clean, fresh air, maybe Summers in the distant past were really sweeter, now we know why.

A very clear sign on the ground with this crisis is the 6 foot / 2 metre sticker marks on the ground:


This part of the epidemic is to highlight, globally, our Carbon Footprint.

The fact that this is happening in stores additionally highlights our conspicuous Consumer Consumption.  We are being disciplined away from this behaviour – the natural world knows we are the worst parasites on earth and the planets most deadly and dangerous predator too – by another deadly microscopic parasite, a virus.  Look at the massive greedy mega-shark-super-tanker-trawlers who pillage the oceans of all life, hoovering up all in their wake, scraping right to the bottom, fishing to destruction. I have tried to highight human greed in satire form, one to stop the proposed Heathrow Expansion, in that sense my dreams have come true, sadly via other people’s nightmares.  “Pigs might fly” is on the cover, there is a link to them on  I equally also note to my joy the use of Rainbows for more universal positive purposes, and I am happy with that too.  All my desperate prayers and pleas are being answered this way.

It is very sad that it had to come to this, but in a sense it is also a blessing, as the governments measures around the world prove that moving cars off the road to accommodate my better system could be done.

All this shows is that all the things we’ve been trying to do with constant negatives ‘no you can’t do that, or that’ll never happen etc.’ are all false, and where there’s a will there’s a way is the truth.

We must maintain this better life.  We have a new world on our hands, this is a change of era, at the end of this tunnel I’m hoping there will be enlightenment.

CoVID Do you see !?  [VIDEO] {together}

Check back just in case I add to this

I wanted to make it perfect before release but as I am working too and other issues I am dealing with are an extending list, so I have chosen to release it now in its current form.  It will be updated with further thoughts in my mind and noted down information when I can do so.

Bobby Nand

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Corona’s Letter To Humanity
The earth whispered but you did not hear.
The earth spoke but you did not listen
The earth screamed but you turned her off.

And so I was born…

I was not born to punish you..
I was born to awaken you..

The earth cried out for help…

Massive flooding. But you didn’t listen.
Burning fires. But you didn’t listen.
Strong hurricanes. But you didn’t listen.
Terrifying Tornadoes. But you didn’t listen.

You still don’t listen to the earth when….

Ocean animals are dying due to pollutants in the waters.
Glaciers melting at an alarming rate.
Severe drought.

You didn’t listen to how much negativity the earth is receiving.

Non-stop wars.
Non-stop greed.

You just kept going on with your life..
No matter how much hate there was..
No matter how many killings daily..

It was more important to get that latest iPhone than worry about what the earth was trying to tell you..

But now I am here.

And I’ve made the world stop on its tracks.

I’ve made YOU finally listen.
I’ve made you take refuge.
I’ve made you stop thinking about materialistic things..

Now you are like the earth…

You are only worried about YOUR survival.

How does that feel?

I give you fever.. as the fires burn on earth.
I give you respiratory issues.. as your pollution filled the earth air.

I gave you weakness as the earth weakens every day.

I took away your comforts..
Your outings.
The things you would use to forget about the planet and its pain.

And I made the world stop…

And now…
China has better air quality..
Skies are clear blue because factories are not spewing pollution unto the earth’s air.

The water in Venice is clean and dolphins are being seen. Because the gondola boats that pollute the water are not being used.

YOU are having to take time to reflect on what is important in your life.

Again I am not here to punish you.. I am here to Awaken you…

When all this is over and I am gone… Please remember these moments..

Listen to the earth.
Listen to your soul.
Stop Polluting the earth.
Stop Fighting among each other.
Stop caring about materialistic things.
And start loving your neighbors.
Start caring about the earth and all its creatures.
Start believing in a Creator.

Because next time, I may come back even stronger….

Corona – The Virus


A thought provoking poem. I don’t know who wrote it and I need to find out who the artist is but I’ll do some research and find out.